Input datasets can be grouped into categories according to the following image.

The input data can be changed in the according interfaces. The configuration of the technical setup of the simulation procedure can be changed in the project configuration. The project configurations are equal for all scenarios belonging to the same project except the simulation start and end date. The simulation start and end date is used from the scenario configuration.
By default, all input files are loaded and considered. Every input file is optional and can remain empty without impacting the simulation.
Input file overview
Maon uses the following input files by default formatted in comma-separated values (CSV):
File | Type | Description |
10_demands_spot.csv | timeseries | Demands at spot markets without price elasticity |
11_demands_fcr.csv | timeseries | Demands at symmetric Frequency Containment Reserve markets without price elasticity |
12_demands_afrr_positive.csv | timeseries | Demands at positive automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve markets without price elasticity |
13_demands_afrr_negative.csv | timeseries | Demands at negative automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve markets without price elasticity |
14_demands_mfrr_positive.csv | timeseries | Demands at positive manual Frequency Restoration Reserve markets without price elasticity |
15_demands_mfrr_negative.csv | timeseries | Demands at negative manual Frequency Restoration Reserve markets without price elasticity |
20_dsr_consumers.csv | component | Demand-Side Responses defined by name, technology, power, maximum shift time and cost |
21_dsr_potentials.csv | from-until-timeseries | Demand-Side Response spot and reserve power potentials, maximum shift times and costs |
22_dsr_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv | from-until-timeseries | Demand-Side Response mustruns, outages, and revisions |
23_dsr_restrictions_work.csv | from-until-timeseries | Demand-Side Response time-coupled work restrictions |
24_dsr_availabilities.csv | from-until-timeseries | Demand-Side Response total power availabilities |
30_battery_storages.csv | component | Battery storages defined by name, technology, power, capacity and cost |
31_battery_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv | from-until-timeseries | Battery mustruns, outages, and revisions |
32_battery_states_of_charge.csv | from-until-timeseries | Battery states of charge restrictions |
33_battery_availabilities.csv | from-until-timeseries | Battery total power availabilities |
40_bioenergy_power_plants.csv | timeseries | Bioenergy power plant feed-ins per bidding zone without price elasticity |
50_solar_power_plants.csv | timeseries | Solar power plant feed-ins per bidding zone without price elasticity |
60_wind_onshore_power_plants.csv | timeseries | Wind onshore power plant feed-ins per bidding zone without price elasticity |
61_wind_offshore_power_plants.csv | timeseries | Wind offshore power plant feed-ins per bidding zone without price elasticity |
70_hydro_power_plants.csv | component | Hydro turbines and pumps defined by name, technology, power, connected reservoirs and cost |
71_hydro_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv | from-until-timeseries | Hydro turbine and pump mustruns, outages, and revisions |
72_hydro_reservoirs.csv | component | Hydro reservoirs defined by name and storage volume |
73_hydro_reservoir_inflows.csv | from-until-timeseries | Hydro reservoir inflows |
74_hydro_reservoir_filling_levels.csv | from-until-timeseries | Hydro reservoir filling level restrictions |
75_hydro_availabilities.csv | from-until-timeseries | Hydro turbine and pump total power availabilities |
79_hydro_run_of_river_power_plants.csv | timeseries | Run-of-river hydro power plant feed-ins per bidding zone without price elasticity |
80_thermal_power_plants.csv | component | Thermal power plants defined by name, technology, fuel, power, minimum times and cost |
81_thermal_prices_fuel.csv | from-until-timeseries | Thermal power plant fuel costs and emission intensities |
82_thermal_prices_emission.csv | from-until-timeseries | Thermal power plant emission allowance costs |
83_thermal_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv | from-until-timeseries | Thermal power plant mustruns, outages, and revisions |
84_thermal_restrictions_fuel.csv | from-until-timeseries | Thermal power plant time-coupled fuel restrictions |
85_thermal_restrictions_emission.csv | from-until-timeseries | Thermal power plant time-coupled emission restrictions |
86_thermal_availabilities.csv | from-until-timeseries | Thermal power plant total power availabilities |
89_thermal_cogeneration_plants.csv | timeseries | Cogeneration power plant feed-ins per bidding zone without price elasticity |
90_grid_bidding_zones.csv | component | Bidding zones defined by name, connected component types and aggregations |
91_grid_ntcs.csv | from-until-timeseries | Exchange capacities through net transfer capacities |
92_grid_cntcs.csv | from-until-timeseries | Exchange capacities through coordinated net transfer capacities |
93_grid_fbmc_cnecs.csv | from-until-timeseries | Exchange capacities through flow-based market couplings as critical elements and contingencies |
94_grid_fbmc_ahcs.csv | from-until-timeseries | Exchange capacities through flow-based market couplings as advanced hybrid couplings |
95_grid_reserve_exchanges.csv | from-until-timeseries | Exchange capacities for frequency reserves |
96_grid_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv | from-until-timeseries | Exchange mustruns, outages, and revisions |
97_grid_availabilities.csv | from-until-timeseries | Exchange total power availabilities |
98_grid_external_exports.csv | timeseries | Per bidding zone aggregated commercial export at system border as outgoing exchange |
99_grid_external_imports.csv | timeseries | Per bidding zone aggregated commercial import at system border as ingoing exchange |
Files of type timeseries
contain time series value for each interval and bidding zone. Files of type component
specify components by their names and properties. The from-until-timeseries
type defines segmented timeseries based on specified start and end intervals.
Keywords are only available for component and from-until-timeseries files. The header of these input files is defined in the first row with specifiers. Other rows can be set in any order. The header specifiers can be labeled with following keywords as substrings.
Keyword | Description | Example |
no keyword | Non-optional model pamameter | bidding_zone |
_opt | Optional model parameters | p_min_opt(MW) |
_aux | Data storing parameters | enabled_aux |
_meta | Metadata | eic_meta |
Entries for _opt can be left out completely or can be given only for selected components (others blank). If such parameters are not set, default values are used (data enrichment with best guess, see enrichment). Header specifiers labeled with the keyword _aux are ignored by the simulation core, but used by the data storing during processings and visualizations like decommission year, component validity or geographical coordinates. Header specifiers labeled with the keyword _meta are ignored, but saved for additional information like uniquely assigned Energy Identification Code (EIC) or voltage level (see metadata). Units in brackets inside header specifiers cannot be changed or omitted.
Time stamps can be given either as interval numbers (1, 2, 3, …) or with from and until time stamps (DDMMYY@HH:MM). From and until time stamps can cover multiple time intervals so that corresponding definitions can be summarized into one entry. Interval numbers relate to the number of the interval in the time range of the according scenario. If, for example, an hourly scenario from time stamp lies at 010118@00:00, the hour number 1 relates to the time interval between 010118@00:00 and 010118@01:00, the hour number 2 relates to the time interval between 010118@01:00 and 010118@02:00 and so on.
All input file names can be customized in the project configuration.
The configuration comprises parameters in the file 00_configurations.txt
(key-value-file). In this configuration file the column delimiter is =
. By leaving configuration parameters default values are used. Configurations can be exported and imported via the text file or edited in the project configuration front-end. The parameters define loaded files, preprocessings, simulation procedures, postprocessings and written out files. Configuration parameters customize folder names, file names, descriptor names, default assumptions, checks, procedure steps, optimizer configurations, model configurations, model variations, procedure variations and read-out configurations. Every configuration parameter and the total configuration combination are checked for validity and consistency. In case of missing validity or consistency the user receives a problem description and a solution proposal in the data check. Default values, possible values, the current setup and explanations for every parameter can be looked up at the project configuration in the front-end.
The minimum configuration file includes the simulation start time stamp and the simulation end time stamp. Maon writes both parameters automatically in the file based on the selected scenario. For example:
If there were no start and end time stamps set manually during the scenario creation, then the application sets such dates automatically according to the scenario year. The used configuration parameters are written out in the subfolder output
. In addition, the complete considered input data model is written out. This reference dataset includes input parameters provided by the user and it includes all enriched input parameters provided by Maon. This documentation refers to default configurations, names and formats. Apart from the the overall configuration, build-in aggregations can be enabled in 90_grid_bidding_zones.csv
. Then components are aggregated during the preprocessing (see preprocessing).
Input definition
This section provides the definition of each input file, detailing its formal description, structure, content, and attributes.
Spot demands
defines the price-inelastic spot market demand per interval and bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. For example:
bidding_zone p_max(MW) | AL 1234 | AT 8500 | BA 2476 |
1 | 884 | 6686 | 1318 |
2 | 749 | 6429 | 1261 |
3 | 629 | 6167 | 1201 |
FCR demands
defines the price-inelastic symmetric Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) market demand per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand. It defines the spot market demand as a constant value during the interval per bidding zone.
Positive aFRR demands
defines the price-inelastic positive automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) market demand per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Negative aFRR demands
defines the price-inelastic negative automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) market demand per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Positive mFRR demands
defines the price-inelastic positive manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR) market demand per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Negative mFRR demands
defines the price-inelastic negative manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR) market demand per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
DSR consumers
defines the price-dependent demand-side response consumers with the following schema:
bidding_zone | consumer | tech(EC/EH/EL/EV/IC/OT) | p_max_load_increase(MW) | p_max_load_decrease(MW) | max_shift(h) |
AL | Industry_twoway | IC | 10 | 10 | 0 |
AL | Industry_shift_1_hour | IC | 10 | 0 | 1 |
AL | Industry_shift_3_hours | IC | 0 | 5 | 3 |
The consumer in bidding_zone can increase the load up to p_max_load_increase(MW) and decrease the load up to p_max_load_decrease(MW)_ via load-shifts with a shifting horizon of up to max_shift(h). These technical parameters per consumer are valid across all intervals, if no additional potentials, mustruns, outages and revisions are set.
If max_shift(h) is set to zero, the consumer can adjust the load in the specified directions without the need to balance work-adjustments.
The load before load-shift, load-adjustment, dump energy, energy not served and other flexible demands is defined in the spot demand file 10_demands_spot.csv
The parameter tech(EC/EH/EL/EV/IC/OT) sets the technology to one of the following categories used for enrichment of missing optional values and grouping components in the output.
Abbreviation | Demand technology category |
EC | Electric Cooler |
EH | Electric Heater |
EL | Electrolyzer |
EV | Electric Vehicle |
IC | Industrial Consumer |
OT | Other |
Additionally, 20_dsr_consumers.csv
can define the following optional spot parameters:
efficiency_shift_opt(%) | cost_opt(EUR/MWh) |
95 | 0 |
95 | 0 |
95 | 0 |
The parameter efficiency_shift_opt(%) sets the efficiency for load-shifts resulting over time in a net load-increase. The parameter cost_opt(EUR/MWh) sets the work cost (also called activation price).
Additionally, 20_dsr_consumers.csv
can define the following optional reserve parameters:
p_max_fcr_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) |
2 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
p_max_fcr_opt(MW) defines the maximum symmetric Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) provision of the flexible demand component. p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) and p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) set the maximum positive and negative automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) provision. p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) and p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) set the maximum positive and negative manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR) provision. Reserve product signs are in line with the generator reference-arrow system, so positive reserve provisions require downward load potentials and negative reserve provisions require upward load potentials. Due to the flexible reserve activation, reserve provision potentials cannot be assigned to load-shifts, but to load-increase, load-decrease and twoway load adjustments. To simulate more than one reserve per direction (e.g., more than one positive and one negative quality) or to simulate the FCR, the detailed reserve module must be activated in the configuration via parameter demand_reserves_high_resolution.
DSR potentials
defines time-depebndend demand-side response potentials with the following schema:
bidding_zone | consumer | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | Industry_twoway | 1 | 3 |
AL | Industry_twoway | 4 | 24 |
Additionally, for every rime range, the following optional potentials can be set.
p_max_load_increase_opt(MW) | p_max_load_decrease_opt(MW) | p_max_fcr_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) | max_shift_opt(h) | efficiency_shift_opt(%) | cost_opt(EUR/MWh) |
5 | 5 | ||||||||
75 | 10 |
During the time frame between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until the consumer in bidding_zone can increase the load up to p_max_load_increase_opt(MW)_ and decrease the load up to p_max_load_decrease_opt(MW)_ via load-shifts in time up to max_shift_opt(h)_. Other parameters like frequency reserve potentials, maxumum shift horizons, efficiencies and work cost and can be set depending on the time. The load-shift horizon max_shift_opt(h) relates to work sinks and sources ahead of the specified interval. All potentials need to be below or equal the technical values in file 20_dsr_consumers.csv
DSR mustruns, outages and revisions
defines optional exogenous mustruns, outages, and revisions of DSR consumers with the following schema:
bidding_zone | consumer | type_availability(mustrun/outage/revision) | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | Industry_twoway | outage | 5 | 10 |
AL | Industry_twoway | revision | 5 | 55 |
Additionally, 22_dsr_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv
can specify for every event following optional parameters:
p_max_load_increase_opt(MW) | p_min_load_increase_opt(MW) | p_max_load_decrease_opt(MW) | p_min_load_decrease_opt(MW) |
10 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
55 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
For the time frame between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until the maximum load-increase is restricted to the valus p_max_load_increase_opt(MW) and the maximum load-decrease power to p_max_load_decrease_opt(MW).
DSR work restrictions
defines the time-dependent work restrictions of demand-side response consumers with following schema:
bidding_zone | restriction | consumer | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | Minimum_production | Industry_twoway | 1 | 1 |
AL | Minimum_production | Industry_twoway | 2 | 2 |
Additionally, 23_dsr_restrictions_work.csv
can specify following optional parameters:
load_increase_max_opt(MWh) | load_increase_min_opt(MWh) |
10 | 5 |
20 | 10 |
If a work restriction specifies minimum and maximum load-increase values, the linked DSR consumers have to dispatch within the defined work range.
To restrict DSR consumers in the load-decrease direction, the specified restriction bounds need to be negative. The mathematically lower and higher values should be specified in the load_increase_min_opt(MWh) and the load_increase_max_opt(MWh) columns respectively.
DSR availabilities
defines the availabilities of demand-side response consumers with following schema:
bidding_zone | tech(EC/EH/EL/EV/IC/OT) | type_availability(outage/revision) | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | availability(%) |
AL | IC | outage | 1 | 8760 | 99 |
AL | IC | revision | 1 | 8760 | 99 |
The outage and revision simulation is carried out for every outage and revision cluster defined by bidding_zone and tech(EC/EH/EL/EV/IC/OT) in the system as well as time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until in time. availability(%) defines the average work availability of this cluster.
Additionally, for every outage and revision cluster, the following optional drawing parameters can be set.
event_duration_expectation_opt(h) | event_duration_deviation_opt(h) |
36 | 24 |
The parameters event_duration_expectation_opt(h) and event_duration_deviation_opt(h) define the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution for outage or revision event durations specified in the file line.
Battery storages
defines the price-dependent battery energy storage systems with the following schema:
bidding_zone | battery | tech(LA/LI/RF/SS) | capacity(MWh) | p_max_charge(MW) |
AL | Lead_Acid_Battery | LA | 5 | 5 |
AL | Lithium_Ion_Battery | LI | 2 | 3 |
The parameter battery sets the battery in the bidding zone bidding_zone with the maximum storage capacity of capacity(MWh) and the maximum charge power p_max_charge(MW). The parameter tech(LA/LI/RF/SS) sets the technology to one of the following categories used for enrichment of missing optional values and grouping components in the output.
Abbreviation | Battery technology category |
LA | Lead-Acid |
LI | Lithium-Ion |
RF | Redox-Flow |
SS | Sodium-Sulfur |
Additionally, 30_battery_storages.csv
can define the following optional discharge, efficiency, state and cost parameters:
p_max_discharge_opt(MW) | efficiency_charge_opt(%) | efficiency_discharge_opt(%) | self_discharge_opt(%/h) | state_of_charge_start_opt(MWh) | state_of_charge_end_opt(MWh) | cost_opt(EUR/MWh) |
5 | 87 | 87 | 0.000008 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 0 |
3 | 95 | 95 | 0.000071 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
p_max_discharge_opt(MW) customizes the maximum discharge power, efficiency_charge_opt(%) the charge efficiency and efficiency_discharge_opt(%) the discharge efficiency. Efficiencies do not influence the maximum power, but changes in the state of charge resulting from charging and discharging. self_discharge_opt(%/h) defines the discharge rate of the current absolute state of charge. The parameters state_of_charge_start_opt(MWh) and state_of_charge_end_opt(MWh) define the absolute state of charge at start and end of the simulation time frame. Further, variable cost for discharging and charging can be defined via cost_opt(EUR/MWh).
Additionally, 30_battery_storages.csv
can define the following optional reserve parameters:
p_max_fcr_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) |
2 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
p_max_fcr_opt(MW) defines the maximum symmetric Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) provision of the battery. p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) and p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) set the maximum positive and negative automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) provision. p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) and p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) set the maximum positive and negative manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR) provision. Reserve product signs are in line with the generator reference-arrow system, so positive reserve provisions require discharging potentials and negative reserve provisions require charging potentials. To simulate more than one reserve per direction (e.g., more than one positive and one negative quality) or to simulate the FCR, the detailed reserve module must be activated in the configuration via parameter demand_reserves_high_resolution.
Battery mustruns, outages and revisions
defines exogenous mustruns, outages, and revisions of battery storages with the following schema:
bidding_zone | battery | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | type_availability(mustrun/outage/revision) |
AL | Lead_Acid_Battery | 876 | 876 | mustrun |
AL | Lithium_Ion_Battery | 876 | 876 | outage |
Additionally, 31_battery_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv
can define for every event the following optional parameters:
p_max_charge_opt(MW) | p_max_discharge_opt(MW) |
0 | 0 |
1 | 0 |
For the time frame between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until the maximum charging power is restricted to the values p_max_charge_opt(MW) and the maximum discharging power to p_max_discharge_opt(MW).
Battery states of charge
defines optional exogenous must-haves of batteries with the following schema:
bidding_zone | battery | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | Lead_Acid_Battery | 744 | 744 |
AL | Lithium_Ion_Battery | 744 | 744 |
Additionally, 32_battery_states_of_charge.csv
can define for every event the following optional parameters:
state_of_charge_max_opt(MWh) | state_of_charge_min_opt(MWh) |
5 | 5 |
0.1 | 0 |
During the time frame between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until the battery in bidding_zone needs to keep the state of charge between state_of_charge_max_opt(MWh) and state_of_charge_min_opt(MWh).
Battery availabilities
defines the availabilities of battery storages with following schema:
bidding_zone | tech(LA/LI/RF/SS) | type_availability(outage/revision) | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | availability(%) |
AL | LI | outage | 1 | 8760 | 95 |
AL | LI | revision | 1 | 8760 | 95 |
The outage and revision simulation is carried out for every outage and revision cluster defined by bidding_zone and tech(LA/LI/RF/SS) in the system as well as time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until in time. availability(%) defines the average work availability of this cluster.
Additionally, 33_battery_availabilities.csv
can define for every outage and revision cluster, the following optional drawing parameters.
event_duration_expectation_opt(h) | event_duration_deviation_opt(h) |
36 | 24 |
The parameters event_duration_expectation_opt(h) and event_duration_deviation_opt(h) define the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution for outage or revision event durations specified in the file line.
Bioenergy power plants
defines the price-inelastic feed-in of bioenergy power plants per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Solar power plants
defines the price-inelastic feed-in of solar power plants per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Wind onshore power plants
defines the price-inelastic feed-in of wind onshore power plants per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Wind offshore power plants
defines the price-inelastic feed-in of wind offshore power plants per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Hydro power plants
defines hydro turbines and hydro pumps with the following non-optional entries:
bidding_zone | connection | reservoir_from | reservoir_to | tech(FT/FP/PT/KT) | p_max(MW) |
AL | Francis_turbine | upper_reservoir | lower_reservoir | FT | 73 |
The parameter connection states a component where hydro flows can occur from reservoir_from to reservoir_to. The parameter tech(FT/FP/PT/KT) sets the technology to one of the following categories used for enrichment of missing optional values and grouping components in the output.
Abbreviation | Hydro technology category |
FT | Francis Turbine |
FP | Francis Pump |
PT | Pelton Turbine |
KT | Kaplan Turbine |
Francis turbines with pump possibility via reverse spin need to be defined with two rows (FT and FP). Francis turbines without using the pump possibility need to be defined with one row (only FT). p_max(MW) customizes the net maximum power for the spot market.
Additionally, 70_hydro_power_plants.csv
can define the following optional power, efficiency, reserve and cost parameters:
p_min_opt(MW) | height_of_fall_opt(m) | efficiency_opt(%) | cost_opt(EUR/MWh) |
5 | 80 | 94 | 0.1 |
p_min_opt(MW) customizes the net minimum power for the spot market, height_of_fall_opt(m) the height of fall and efficiency_opt(%) the efficiency of the turbine and respectively of the pump. Efficiencies do not influence the maximum power, but set the water-sided maximum flows. Further, additional variable generation or consumption cost can be defined via cost_opt(EUR/MWh).
Additionally, 70_hydro_power_plants.csv
can define the following optional reserve parameters:
p_max_fcr_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) |
3 | 5 | 5 | 30 | 30 |
p_max_fcr_opt(MW) defines the maximum symmetric Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) provision of the power plant in on-state. p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) and p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) set the maximum positive and negative automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) provision of the power plant in on-state. p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) and p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) set the maximum positive and negative manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR) provision of the power plant in on-state. To simulate more than one reserve per direction (e.g., more than one positive and one negative quality) or to simulate the FCR, the detailed reserve module must be activated in the configuration via parameter demand_reserves_high_resolution.
To keep hydro networks solvable at all times, endogenous inflows, overflows (also known as spillover or spillage) and outflows are automatically defined as slack variables. Internally, the optimization sub-problem for hydro has hydro flows and filling levels as decision variables.
Degrees of freedom of decision variables are set automatically based on the defined parameters. At least the connected bidding zone, component name, source and target reservoir, technology and maximum power need to be defined for a turbine or pump. Reservoirs need at least the connected bidding zone, component name and capacity. Missing other optional parameters are internally assumed based on the remaining given assumptions. It is not mandatory to set up cost thresholds and target filling levels for hydro power in the input data. Those would be then the output of the model since market incentives and component characteristics define the opportunity cost of hydro power plants.
Hydro mustruns, outages and revisions
defines exogenous mustruns, outages, and revisions of hydro turbines and hydro pumps with the following schema:
bidding_zone | connection | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | type_availability(mustrun/outage/revision) |
AL | Francis_turbine | 876 | 2000 | outage |
Additionally, 71_hydro_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv
can define for every event the following optional parameters:
p_max_opt(MW) | p_min_opt(MW) |
40 | 0 |
For the time frame between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until the maximum power is restricted to the values p_max_opt(MW) and p_min_opt(MW).
Hydro reservoirs
defines reservoirs with the following schema:
bidding_zone | reservoir |
AL | upper_reservoir |
AL | lower_reservoir |
Reservoirs are water sources or sinks of hydro turbines and pumps.
Additionally, 72_hydro_reservoirs.csv
can define the following optional capacities:
capacity_opt(MWh) | spatial_capacity_opt(m^3) |
150000 | |
1000000 |
If capacities are not provided, the reservoir default capacity of zero is assumed. Capacities can be given either in MWh or in m^3. Mixed usage across reservoirs is legitimate (e.g., capacity_opt(MWh) for upper_reservoir and _spatial_capacity_opt(m^3) for lower_reservoir). Providing values in capacity_opt(MWh) and spatial_capacity_opt(m^3) for the same reservoir leads to their addition.
Additionally, 72_hydro_reservoirs.csv
can define the following optional state parameters:
start_filling_level_opt(MW) | end_filling_level_opt(MWh) | spatial_start_filling_level_opt(m^3) | spatial_end_filling_level_opt(m^3) | leakage_opt(%/h) |
75000 | 75000 | 0.1 |
Such define the reservoir filling level before and after the optimization time frame. If none is set, 50 % filling level according to the maximum is assumed. The leakage factor defines the relative losses of the storage per interval. Leaked water will flow to the lower reservoirs.
Hydro reservoir inflows
defines optional exogenous inflows with the following schema:
bidding_zone | reservoir | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | upper_reservoir | 1 | 10 |
AL | upper_reservoir | 11 | 8760 |
Additionally, 73_hydro_reservoir_inflows.csv
can define the following optional parameters:
inflow_opt(MWh/h) | spatial_inflow_opt(m^3/h) |
5 | |
125 |
Inflows can be given in columns inflow_opt(MWh/h) or spatial_inflow_opt(m^3/h). If both are provided, the inflows are considered as a sum. Inflows can be given due to rain, snowmelt, or (not endogenously modeled) upstream water inflows.
Hydro reservoir filling levels
defines optional exogenous filling levels of reservoirs with the following schema:
bidding_zone | reservoir | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | upper_reservoir | 1 | 744 |
Additionally, 74_hydro_reservoir_filling_levels.csv
can define the following optional parameters:
filling_level_max_opt(MWh) | filling_level_min_opt(MWh) | spatial_filling_level_max_opt(m^3) | spatial_filling_level_min_opt(m^3) |
125000 | 25000 |
Optional filling levels can be given in MWh or in m^3. Such restrictions can be given for example due to local water resource laws.
Hydro availabilities
defines the availabilities of hydro turbines and pumps with following schema:
bidding_zone | tech(FT/FP/PT/KT) | type_availability(outage/revision) | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | availability(%) |
AL | FT | outage | 1 | 8760 | 95 |
AL | FT | revision | 1 | 8760 | 95 |
The outage and revision simulation is carried out for every outage and revision cluster defined by bidding_zone and tech(FT/FP/PT/KT) in the system as well as time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until in time. availability(%) defines the average work availability of this cluster.
Additionally, for every outage and revision cluster, the following optional drawing parameters can be set.
event_duration_expectation_opt(h) | event_duration_deviation_opt(h) |
36 | 24 |
The parameters event_duration_expectation_opt(h) and event_duration_deviation_opt(h) define the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution for outage or revision event durations specified in the file line.
Hydro run of river power plants
defines the price-inelastic feed-in of run-of-river power plants per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Thermal power plants
defines thermal turbines with following non-optional entries:
bidding_zone | unit | tech(CC/GT/ST) | fuel | p_max(MW) | efficiency_p_max(%) |
AL | VLORE | GT | GAS1 | 100 | 45.1585 |
fuel defines the used fuel type and its costs. p_max(MW) sets the technical net maximum power for the spot market and efficiency_p_max_opt(%) the according efficiency. Efficiencies do not influence the maximum power, but set the necessary fuel consumption, emissions and so the generation cost. The parameter tech(CC/GT/ST) sets the technology to one of the following categories used for enrichment of missing optional values and grouping components in the output.
Abbreviation | Thermal technology category |
CC | Combined Cycle |
GT | Gas Turbine |
ST | Steam Turbine |
Additionally, 80_thermal_power_plants.csv
can define the following optional flexibility and efficiency parameters:
p_min_opt(MW) | efficiency_p_min_opt(%) | on_min_opt(h) | off_min_opt(h) | unit_downstream_opt |
55 | 35.8585 | 5 | 5 |
p_min_opt(MW) sets the technical minimum power and efficiency_p_min_opt(%) the according efficiency. on_min_opt(h) and off_min_opt(h) define the minimum time length of on and off states. For modeling combined cycles, the optional parameter unit_downstream_opt can be used. This parameter links two turbines: The turbine with the parameter entry is the upstream unit and the unit to which is referred to is the downstream unit. If this parameter is set, the downstream unit can be one in operation jointly with the upstream unit. If the upstream unit is off, the downstream unit will be off as well. The upstream unit can be freely in operation, if it is not considered a downstream unit from any other unit. Upstream and downstream units can be defined freely to simulate complex combined cycle gas and steam turbine systems.
Additionally, 80_thermal_power_plants.csv
can define the following optional reserve parameters:
p_max_fcr_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) | p_max_mfrr_pos_start_opt(MW) |
4 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 20 |
p_max_fcr_opt(MW) defines the maximum symmetric Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) provision of the power plant in on-state. p_max_afrr_pos_opt(MW) and p_max_afrr_neg_opt(MW) set the maximum positive and negative automatic Frequency Restoration Reserve (aFRR) provision of the power plant in on-state. p_max_mfrr_pos_opt(MW) and p_max_mfrr_neg_opt(MW) set the maximum positive and negative manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR) provision of the power plant in on-state. For off-state p_max_mfrr_pos_start_opt(MW) defines the maximum positive mFRR contribution. To simulate more than one reserve per direction (e.g., more than one positive and one negative quality) or to simulate the FCR, the detailed reserve module must be activated in the configuration via parameter demand_reserves_high_resolution.
Additionally, 80_thermal_power_plants.csv
can define the following optional cost parameters:
cost_add_work_opt(EUR/MWh) | cost_add_time_opt(EUR/h) | cost_start_opt(EUR/start) | fuel_cold_start_opt(GJ/start) | cooling_time_constant_opt(h) |
1.1 | 0.2 | 1250 | 200 | 1 |
cost_add_opt(EUR/MWh) and cost_add_opt(EUR/h) define the additional variable operation and maintenance costs (additional to fuel, transportation, emission allowance and start-up). cost_start_opt(EUR/start) defines the fixed costs per start-up (not dependent on previous state). fuel_cold_start_opt(GJ/start) defines the additional fuel costs per start-up. cooling_time_constant_opt(h) the cooling time constant. Depending on the state off time (cooling time), the variable start costs are defined together by fuel_cold_start_opt(GJ/start) and cooling_time_constant_opt(h).
Additionally, 80_thermal_power_plants.csv
can define the following optional start and end state parameters:
state_before_opt(0/1) | state_time_before_opt(h) | state_after_opt(0/1) | state_time_after_opt(h) |
1 | 168 | 1 | 168 |
state_before_opt(0/1) and state_after_opt(0/1) define the state of the power plant before and after the total optimization time frame set in the configuration file. state_time_before_opt(h) and state_time_after_opt(h) define the number of time intervals during that state.
Thermal fuel prices
defines fuel costs for power plant operators with the following schema:
bidding_zone | fuel | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | price(EUR/GJ) |
AL | GAS0 | 1 | 8760 | 6.19 |
Additionally, 81_thermal_prices_fuel.csv
can define the following optional fuel cost parameters:
price_transport_opt(EUR/GJ) | emission_intensity_opt(tCO2/GJ) |
1 | 0.056 |
price(EUR/GJ) sets the fuel price for the defined fuel during the period between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until. Fuel names should begin with NUC (nuclear), LIG (lignite), HCO (hard coal), GAS (gas), OIL (oil) or OTH (other) followed by an unsigned integer value (fuel number). Fuel numbers can be used to distinguish types, qualities and locations. The cost paid for the transportation of the fuel to the plant location can be set with price_transport_opt(EUR/GJ). To model different emission intensities, carbon capture and storage (CCS) or carbon capture and utilization (CCU) the emission_intensity_opt(tCO2/GJ) can be set accordingly.
Thermal emission prices
defines the costs for emission allowances of power plant operators with the following schema:
bidding_zone | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | price(EUR/tCO2) |
AL | 1 | 8760 | 15.48 |
price(EUR/tCO2) sets the price during the period between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until.
Emission restrictions can be used to simulate partially the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
Thermal mustruns, outages and revisions
defines exogenous mustruns of thermal turbines with the following schema:
bidding_zone | unit | type_availability(mustrun/outage/revision) | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | VLORE | mustrun | 21 | 240 |
AL | VLORE | outage | 1 | 20 |
AL | VLORE | revision | 240 | 250 |
Additionally, 83_thermal_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv
can define for every event the following optional parameters:
p_max_opt(MW) | p_min_opt(MW) |
0 | 0 |
100 | 85 |
0 | 0 |
For the selected time frame between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until the power is restricted to the values between p_max_opt(MW) and p_min_opt(MW).
Mustruns can be reasoned for example by heat utility restrictions of plants with combined heat and power.
Outages can be set manually in this 83_thermal_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv
or derived during preprocessing in 86_thermal_availabilities.csv
. Both are optional and can be used at the same time.
Revisions can be set manually in this 83_thermal_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv
or derived during preprocessing in 86_thermal_availabilities.csv
. Both are optional and can be used at the same time.
Thermal fuel restrictions
defines time-coupled fuel consumption restrictions with the following schema:
bidding_zone | restriction | fuel | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | GAS_AL_CAP | GAS1 | 1 | 8760 |
Additionally, 84_thermal_restrictions_fuel.csv
can specify following optional parameters:
max_opt(TJ) | min_opt(TJ) |
100 | 0 |
If an fuel restriction specifies minimum and maximum values, the thermal power plants using the linked fuel have to consume the fuel within the defined range.
The restriction GAS_AL_CAP limits for the selected time frame between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until, the consumption of the fuel GAS1 to the range between min_opt(TJ) and max_opt(TJ). Fuel restrictions can be defined for multiple bidding zones, fuels and time ranges. Such can be reasoned for example due to take-or-pay agreements of long-term natural gas purchase contracts or international fuel import embargos.
Thermal emission restrictions
defines time-coupled emission caps and floors with the following schema:
restriction | bidding_zone | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
CO2_CAP | DE | 1 | 8760 |
CO2_CAP | FR | 1 | 8760 |
Additionally, 85_thermal_restrictions_emission.csv
can specify following optional parameters:
min_opt(tCO2) | max_opt(tCO2) |
0 | 150000000 |
0 | 150000000 |
If an emission restriction specifies minimum and maximum values, the thermal power plants using the linked fuel have to emit within the defined range.
The restriction CO2_CAP covers the emissions in bidding_zones (in example DE and FR) in the according time frames time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until (in example hour 1 until 8760). The total emissions in this region and time frame need to be between min_opt(tCO2) and max_opt(tCO2). Emission restrictions can be defined for multiple bidding zones and time ranges. The maximum emission amount can be set up to simulate for example the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS).
The volume-limiting approach in 85_thermal_restrictions_emission.csv
can be combined with the price-setting approach in 82_thermal_prices_emission.csv
. The following graph visualizes the differences between both approaches to simulate the emission allowance market.

Users set up the assumption in the first step, the second and third steps are taking place automatically inside the market simulation. The last fourth step comprises direct look-ups in the model output.
Thermal availabilities
defines outage and revision availabilities as drawing parameters for the preprocessing drawing procedure with the following schema:
bidding_zone | tech(CC/GT/ST) | fuel_short | type_availability(outage/revision) | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | availability(%) |
AL | GT | GAS | outage | 1 | 8760 | 99.5 |
AL | GT | GAS | revision | 1 | 8760 | 99.5 |
The outage and revision simulation is carried out for every outage and revision cluster defined by bidding_zone, tech(CC/GT/ST) and fuel_short in the system as well as time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until in time. availability(%) defines the average work availability of this cluster. fuel_short summarizes all fuels with identical fuel name beginnings (GAS1, GAS2, GAS3, etc., would be put in this example into one drawing cluster GAS).
Additionally, for every outage and revision cluster, the following optional drawing parameters can be set.
event_duration_expectation_opt(h) | event_duration_deviation_opt(h) |
36 | 24 |
event_duration_expectation_opt(h) and event_duration_deviation_opt(h) define the mean and variance of the normal distribution for time ranges of outage and revisions.
Thermal cogeneration power plants
defines the price-inelastic electric feed-in of cogeneration plants per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Bidding zones
defines bidding zones with the following non-optional entries:
bidding_zone | battery(0/1) | spot(0/1) | fcr(0/1) | afrr_pos(0/1) | afrr_neg(0/1) | mfrr_pos(0/1) | mfrr_neg(0/1) | dsr(0/1) | thermal(0/1) | hydro(0/1) | onshore(0/1) | offshore(0/1) | solar(0/1) | ror(0/1) | bio(0/1) | chp(0/1) | import_external(0/1) | export_external(0/1) |
AL | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Binary operators activate 1 (default) or deactivate 0 sub-models in the selected bidding_zone. Corresponding input data will be neglected and not checked by the procedure.
Additionally, 90_grid_bidding_zones.csv
can specify following optional parameters:
battery_aggregation_opt | hydro_aggregation_opt | thermal_aggregation_opt | grid_aggregation_opt | dsr_aggregation_opt | bz_group_id_opt |
1 | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
The parameter battery_aggregation_opt specifies the aggregation level for all batteries in that bidding zone (see battery aggregation). The parameter hydro_aggregation_opt specifies the aggregation level for all hydro power plants in that bidding zone (see hydro aggregation). The parameter thermal_aggregation_opt specifies the aggregation level for all thermal power plants in that bidding zone (see thermal aggregation). grid_aggregation_opt sets the aggregation of grid capacities (see grid aggregation). The parameter dsr_aggregation_opt aggregates DSR consumers (see DSR aggregation).
The identifier bz_group_id_opt groups bidding zones, so that those in the same group are simulated together in the second procedure step to achieve a more realistic unit commitment (especially on and off states) in smaller bidding zones (see procedure). By default all bidding zones are in the same bidding zone group, resulting in the highest complexity.
Net transfer capacities
defines Net Transfer Capacities (NTC) with the following schema:
time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | net_transfer_capacity(MW) | from_bidding_zone | to_bidding_zone |
1 | 8760 | 250 | GR | AL |
1 | 8760 | 250 | AL | GR |
Additionally, 91_grid_ntcs.csv
can specify following optional cost parameters:
cost_opt(EUR/MWh) |
0 |
0 |
The NTC is valid between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until with a maximum commercial flow of net_transfer_capacity(MW) from from_bidding_zone to to_bidding_zone. The wheeling charge, hurdle rate or exchange cost can be set via cost_opt(EUR/MWh).
Coordinated net transfer capacities
defines Coordinated Net Transfer Capacities (CNTC) with the following schema:
time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | capacity(MW) | from_bidding_zone | to_bidding_zone1 | to_bidding_zone2 |
1 | 8760 | 250 | AL | GR | MK |
1 | 8760 | -250 | AL | GR | MK |
The CNTC is valid between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until with a commercial exchange capacity(MW) from from_bidding_zone to to_bidding_zone1 and to to_bidding_zone2 together. Further destination bidding zones can be set freely via columns to_bidding_zone3_opt, to_bidding_zone4_opt and so on. A positive capacity value limits the maximum export of the bidding zone specified in from_bidding_zone. A negative capacity value limits the maximum import of the bidding zone specified in from_bidding_zone.
defines the flow-based market coupling (FBMC) through critical network elements and contingencies (CNEC) with the following exemplary schema:
critical_network_element_and_contingency | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | remaining_available_margin(MW) | power_transfer_distribution_factor_BE | power_transfer_distribution_factor_DE | power_transfer_distribution_factor_FR | power_transfer_distribution_factor_NL |
11043240000 | 1 | 1 | 971 | 0.23517 | -0.00361 | 0.06728 | -0.02525 |
11238080000 | 1 | 1 | 4500 | -1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
A CNEC is valid between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until with a remaining available margin (RAM). The FBMC domain comprises the bidding zones occurring in the header specifiers (BE, DE, FR and NL in the exemplary table above). By default all bilateral exchanges between bidding zones in the FBMC domain are not limited and so limitations for inner FBMC domain exchanges need to be set explicitly. That applies also for physically not possible bilateral exchanges through zero NTC (for example between FR and NL). The zonal power transfer distribution factor (PTDF) has to be defined for all bidding zones in the FBMC domain. Exchanges between bidding zones are bound by CNEC restrictions. In case of time and or system overlaps with NTC restricted zone pairs, set the according NTC in 91_grid_ntcs.csv
or CNTC in 92_grid_cntcs.csv
to use combined exchange models.
defines advanced hybrid couplings (AHC) with the following schema:
critical_network_element_and_contingency | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | from_bidding_zone | to_bidding_zone | power_transfer_distribution_factor |
11043240000 | 1 | 971 | AL | GR | 0.2 |
Additionally, 94_grid_fbmc_ahcs.csv
can specify following optional evolved parameters:
evolved_opt(0/1) |
0 |
The defined AHC influences the selected CNEC with the zone-to-zone PTDF power_transfer_distribution_factor.
The optional setting evolved_opt enables to exclude the flow to contribute to the CNEC utilizations based in the zonal PTDF, that are derived from 93_grid_fbmc_cnecs.csv
. Instead, the zone-to-zone PTDF from 94_grid_fbmc_ahcs.csv
is used to calculate the contribution to the utilization of the linked CNEC. This can be used for example to model High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) lines and terminals.
Reserve exchange capacities
defines bilateral frequency reserve exchange capacities with the following schema:
time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | from_bidding_zone | to_bidding_zone | type(fcr/afrr_pos/afrr_neg/mfrr_pos/mfrr_neg) | capacity(MW) |
1 | 2190 | AL | GR | fcr | 0.0 |
2191 | 6570 | AL | GR | fcr | 5.0 |
6571 | 8760 | AL | GR | fcr | 0.0 |
Additionally, 95_grid_reserve_exchanges.csv
can specify following optional parameters:
cost_opt(EUR/MWh) | ntc_competition_opt(0/1) |
0.0 | 1 |
0.0 | 1 |
0.0 | 1 |
The symmetric Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) can be exported between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until from from_bidding_zone to to_bidding_zone for the exchange cost of cost_opt(EUR/MWh). Via ntc_competition_opt(0/1) reserve exchanges compete with bilateral spot exchanges for NTC capacities in a co-optimization (1 as default) or are handled separately so a spot and reserve exchange can together exceed the according NTC value. To model reserve core shares (total reserve export restrictions) use virtual export bidding zones: create a new bidding zone, disable in this new bidding zone all modules in 90_grid_bidding_zones.csv
, parameterize the maximum reserve export inclusive core share to that new bidding zone and set higher total reserve export possibilities from the new virtual bidding zone to other bidding zones. To use the reserve exchange module, the detailed reserves must be activated in the configuration via parameter demand_reserves_high_resolution
Exchange mustruns, outages and revisions
defines exogenous mustruns, outages, and revisions of bilateral exchanges with the following schema:
from_bidding_zone | to_bidding_zone | type_availability(mustrun/outage/revision) | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until |
AL | GR | outage | 72 | 147 |
Additionally, 96_grid_mustruns_outages_revisions.csv
can define for every event the following optional parameters:
p_max_opt(MW) | p_min_opt(MW) |
40 | 0 |
For the time frame between time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until the maximum power is restricted to the values p_max_opt(MW) and p_min_opt(MW).
Grid availabilities
defines the availabilities of exchange capacities with following schema:
bidding_zone | type_coupling(NTC/CNTC/FBMC) | type_availability(outage/revision) | time_stamp_from | time_stamp_until | availability(%) |
AL | NTC | outage | 1 | 8760 | 99.5 |
AL | NTC | revision | 1 | 8760 | 99.5 |
The outage and revision simulation is carried out for every outage and revision cluster defined by bidding_zone and type_coupling(NTC/CNTC/FBMC) in the system as well as time_stamp_from and time_stamp_until in time. availability(%) defines the average work availability of this cluster.
Additionally, for every outage and revision cluster, the following optional drawing parameters can be set.
event_duration_expectation_opt(h) | event_duration_deviation_opt(h) |
360 | 240 |
The parameters event_duration_expectation_opt(h) and event_duration_deviation_opt(h) define the mean and standard deviation of the normal distribution for outage or revision event durations specified in the file line.
External spot exports
defines the price-inelastic feed-in of external spot exports per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
External spot imports
defines the price-inelastic feed-in of external spot imports per bidding zone. The file format can be obtained via exporting the current dataset at the input export in the front-end. It has the same format as the spot market demand.
Maon supports flexible and transferable time and system resolutions.
Time resolution
The interval length is by default set to 60 minutes and can be adjusted in the project configuration.
System resolution
The system resolution is set through cluster and aggregation levels for each bidding zone via 90_grid_bidding_zones.csv
. The input file specification can be found in the section about the bidding zone input file and the methods in the preprocessing section.
Generation, consumption and exchange components can be aggregated to perform fast runs. Aggregations are carried out during the preprocessing and are based on performant, deterministic and automated schema identification, clustering and aggregation methods. The total joint aggregation time lies for transmission planning level data at under 1 second, but the total optimization complexity can be reduced gradually by magnitudes and so total simulation procedure times can be reduced to under 5 minutes, even for very complex scenarios (more than 100000000 components and 8760 hours).