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You do not need to read the entire documentation to understand or use Maon. The best way to start is by applying Maon to a useful target.

Read this page as a brief primer. Each section links to more detailed material when you are modeling or tackling specific simulation challenges.


Use this website as a handbook or toolbox when needed.

Core concept

The core concept of Maon is to apply fundamental principles of physics and economics to build data models, which are then used to simulate and predict electricity wholesale markets through a software application.


The fundamentals explain how electricity wholesale market prices and volumes are established. It comprises the demand and supply equilibrium, market coupling, and technologies active in the market. For more details, go to the full section fundamentals.


The simulation processes input data to produce output results while considering the fundamentals. It includes simulating outages and revision schedules, deriving bids for participants based on their assets, and executing market clearing with exchanges. For more details, go to the full section simulation.


Data is essential for quantifying assumptions about the market and its participants on the input side. On the output side, data represents the outcomes of the wholesale market and its participants. For more details, go to the full section data.


The application enables users to manage fundamentals and data seamlessly using interfaces, databases, visualizations, and automations, delivering valuable insights from their data. For more details, visit the full section application.


To use Maon, ensure that you have a device with an active internet connection and an up-to-date browser such as Chromium, Edge, or Firefox. If you are able to load and read this documentation, your device supports Maon.

If only the web API is needed, any HTTPS client with internet access is sufficient to use all backend functions.

No additional installations beyond the aforementioned requirements are necessary. All operating systems are supported, including Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Unix, and Windows.

Get started

To start using the application, please contact us via email or sign up. We will get in touch with you and provide access to the platform.

At this point, you have read everything you need to get started with Maon.

Read more if you want, and eventually you probably should, but you will get the most value from the guidance in this documentation when you turn to it with a problem or a question. That is when it comes alive.